Can you play Love Me Tender?
Kohti Kestäviä Hankintoja (Towards Sustainable Tendering) project was a huge feat, that involves basically everything I know up to this point, and then some more. It consists of a powerful web application that aims to improve tendering between public organizations and businesses to make it more sustainable both ecologically and economically, and a game that educates the player about these topics.
I got to do some serious research and UX design for the web application in the form of many stakeholder and user workshops, expert interviews, countless hours of working together with the core development team in scrum meetings, design meetings and workshops, and even more time spent at my desk working on the data and user interface designs and the documentation for all the many parts of the application.

For the game I did my usual sound design and music tasks, but in addition to those, this project had also a good amount of hours put into game design. Since the educational subject itself was already quite a handful to grasp, to save resources and ourselves from a significant risk of a case in “game design gone awfully wrong and it’s too late to do anything about it”, we decided to take a couple nice concepts for game mechanics and mash them up to create a good balance of simple decision making and operating a small game world resembling a real life geographical area. As a result, the game is a mashup of two magnificent games called Reigns and Heroes of Might and Magic. For the latter, if a part needed to be chosen, we chose part three.

The game was developed with Unity, and released on the project’s website as a web build. You can play it here.
My tasks are finished, but for the core development team at FrostBit lab this project is actually still running. It is designed to finish at the end of 2022.
Unfortunately there is no video of the game, you’ll have to try it out yourself! Below you can watch a video about the benefits of using the web application, explained by a seasoned professional working in public food services: